Fairy Plant Associations
Name is derived from "Little Folks' Glove". Florets are worn by Faeries as hats and gloves.
Make the invisible visible. Eating them lets you see Faeries. If one touches a Faerie rock with the correct number of
primroses in a posy, the way to faerieland and Faerie gifts is made clear. The wrong number means certain doom.
Used as makeshift horses by the Faerie.
Wild Thyme
Part of a recipe for a brew to make one see the Faeries. The tops of the Wild Thyme must be gathered near the side of
a Faerie hill.
These are loved and protected by the Faeries. They help one to find hidden Faerie gold.
the flower that was used as a love potion by Oberon, a Faerie king thought to have been invented by Shakespeare.
One who hears a bluebell ring will soon die. A field of bluebells is especially dangerous, as it is intricately interwoven
with Faerie enchantments.
A four-leafed one may be used to break a Faerie spell.
St. John's Wort
Has a calming effect, used when stress is overwhelming. Helps break spells as well.
Celtic legend says it is the receptacle of knowledge; the hazelnut is a symbol of fertility in England.
White Oak Bark
Cleanses and tones entire alimentary canal (tract that food passes through from ingestion to elimination), excellent astringent.
Good for external and internal hemorrhage - bleeding in stomach, lungs, rectum.
Protects against bad spirits. Used in butter churns so that the butter would not be overlooked by Faeries. Bewitched horses
may be controlled by a rowan whip. Druids used rowan wood for fires with which they called up spirits whom could be forced
to answer questions when rowanberries were spread over the flayed hides of bulls.
Made from bark, aids liver congestion, helps to carry blood and liver toxins out of the body. Good for gall stones, lead
Oakmen are created when a felled oak stump sends up shoots. One should never take food offered by them since it is poisonous.
At night they uproot themselves and stalk travelers, muttering at them.
Sometimes is a witch disguised as a tree. Never lay a baby in an elderwood cradle or the Faeries will pinch them so they
bruise. Burning elder wood is dangerous since it invites the Devil.
If the spirit of the birch tree (The One With the White Hand) touches a head it leaves a white mark and the person turns
insane. If it touches a heart, the person will die.
Protected by water spirits.
To ensure good harvests, leave the last apple of your crop for the Apple-Tree-Man.
Druids wands were made of ash twigs. It also has healing properties. Weak-limbed children were passed through split ash
trees which were then bound up. If the tree grew straight, the child would as well. Also may be used as a substitute for Rowan.
Some have poisonous hallucinogenic properties. The Vikings ate it and gain their reputations as berkerkers. In Celtic
lore, they are among the food of the gods, as with many red plants. Some toadstools associated with the Faerie are Fly Agaric,
Yellow Fairy Club, Slender Elf Cap, Dune Pixie-Hood, and Dryad's Saddle.
Fairy Ring Mushroom
Marks the boundaries of Faerie rings.
My personal fairy!
Your fairy is called Feather Hailshimmer She is a protector of the lonely. She lives in high
places where the clouds meet the earth. She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom. She
wears pale blue like the sky. She has cheery turquoise wings like a butterfly.

Fairy Food
You should leave food out for the fairies as offerings and gifts. In some countries, the local fairies will become angry
if food is not left and they will curse the home.
If milk is spilled, you should not worry about it. Just think that it is an offering for the fairies. This connects with
the saying "Don't cry over spilled milk". Leave food out for the fairies.
Any food that is left out overnight is often thought to be fairie food and can not be eaten again, as you would be taking
it from the fairies!
Fairy Rings
Fairy rings are rings of mushrooms surrounding the area where the fairies dance at night. If you are near a ring when
the fairies are dancing, you'll be drawn to it. If you enter, you will dance with the fairies, unable to stop. It may feel
like only minutes, but it is, in reality, years, around 7. The only way to get out is if someone comes after you and pulls
you out, while keeping their foot outside of the circle.
Fairy Behavior
Fairies tend to travel in bands, rather than alone. These are called Trouping Fairies and they are the most common. You
also have the occasional Solitary faire. They travel alone and tend to be meanspirited, but not all are like that. Fairies
can be seen traveling in large bands, playing music and riding their horses. These are called Raids. These usually occur during
the holidays and sabbats. All holidays, pagan, christian, etc. are great times to contact the fairies, as they are active