We think of witches and all the images from a 1000 movies come to mind. We think that as witches we can turn our enemies into
toads and a host of other improbable scenarios. That is simply not true. Being wiccan is about being one with nature and the
powers that exist in nature. Spells are about bringing about subtle changes in our lives and helping us to make those changes
Wicca is not about doing wrong or evil to others, that would be black magick, and we do not practice that here. Remember
the "Threefold Law" which states, that whatever you put out will return to you threefold. So, make sure that when
working spells you only have good in your heart, so that only good will come back to you. If you work a negative spell, negative
things will come back to you, times 3!
So, if you still think this is the thing for you, keep reading I will share what I know, as well as give links to other
sites that are more knowledgeable than I.
Blessed be and goddess bless.