Your altar should face north, and it should also have things on it to represent the four elements: earth, air, water and fire.
This is a simplified guide to how these elements should be represented and where they should be placed.
* Fire - South (athame, candles)
* Water - West (chalice, sea shells)
* Earth - North (pentacle, bowl of salt or earth)
* Air - East (incense, wand, feathers)

Also, you might want to include images, statues or symbols of the gods or goddesses you feel drawn to, or the ones that might
benefit your particular working. This can be done not only with statues or pictures, but colors, flowers or plants that might
be connected to that deity. Different times of the year might be inspirational to your altar as well, evergreen sprigs near
Yule, for example. In fact, flowers, fruits and plants that are in season are always a good idea. It shows your connection
to Mother Earth and her cycles.
Your altar and its contents should only be touched by you. If you have a place to leave it permanently set up, you are
truly lucky. If you dont, there are alternatives. An old chest that can hold all of your tools can also dually serve as the
altar itself. I have also been known to use a tote, especially while we have been in the process of remodeling our house.
Hopefully, my permanent altar will be in my new bedroom! Be creative, it's part of being a witch! Good luck and Goddess bless!
